Sr. No. | Link Name |
1 | Best Practice - I |
2 | Institutional Distinctiveness |
3 | Undertaking |
4 | SSR after DVV |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 1.1.1 Curriculum Planning & Implementation | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 1.1.2 Internal Assessment | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Botany | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Chemistry | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Commerce | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Economics | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy English | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Geography | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Hindi | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy History | VIEW DETAIL |
11 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Marathi | VIEW DETAIL |
12 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Mathematics | VIEW DETAIL |
13 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Physics | VIEW DETAIL |
14 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Political Science | VIEW DETAIL |
15 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Psychology | VIEW DETAIL |
16 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Sociology BA | VIEW DETAIL |
17 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Sociology MA | VIEW DETAIL |
18 | DVV Clarification 1.3.2 Syllabus Copy Zoology | VIEW DETAIL |
19 | DVV 1.2.1 structure of the program clearly indicating courses, credits/Electives as approved by the | VIEW DETAIL |
20 | 1.2 DVV Clarification 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
21 | 1.2 DVV Clarification 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
22 | 1.2 DVV Clarification 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
23 | 1.2 DVV Clarification 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
24 | 1.2 DVV Clarification 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | DVV 1.2.1 structure of the program clearly indicating courses, credits/Electives as approved by the | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | Student Enrolment and Profile 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | Student Enrolment and Profile 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | Student Enrolment and Profile 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | Student Enrolment and Profile 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | Student Enrolment and Profile 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | Student Enrolment and Profile 2021-22 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem sol | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | Teachers Research Publications | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | Teachers Books Publications | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | DVV 3.4.3 Detailed report of Programmes for 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | DVV 3.4.3 Detailed report of Programmes for 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | DVV 3.4.3 Detailed report of Programmes for 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | DVV 3.4.3 Detailed report of Programmes for 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | DVV 3.4.3 Detailed report of Programmes for 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internshi | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | MoUs 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | MoUs 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | MoUs 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | MoUs 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internshi | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | MoUs 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | MoU with Uttamrao Patil College, Dahivel | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | Adarsh Colleg of Arts, Nijampur-Jaitane | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | MoU with A. M. Patil College, Pimpalner | VIEW DETAIL |
11 | MoU with Vimalbai Patil College, Sakri | VIEW DETAIL |
12 | MoU with ASSSP College, Navapur | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 4.1.1 The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 4.1.2 The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoo | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | DVV 4.2.4 Provide the log book entries and data for online access for the teachers and students usin | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | DVV 4.2.4 Online Access | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-F | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 5.1.1 Number of Students benefited by Scholarship and Freeships 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 5.1.1 Number of Students benefited by Scholarship and Freeships 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 5.1.1 Number of Students benefited by Scholarship and Freeships 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 5.1.1 Number of Students benefited by Scholarship and Freeships 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 5.1.1 Number of Students benefited by Scholarship and Freeships 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 5.1.2 NCC and Vidnyanvari | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 5.1.2 E and L 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 5.1.2 E and L 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | 5.1.2 E and L 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | 5.1.2 E and L 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | Number of outgoing student progression to higher education during last five years 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | Number of outgoing student progression to higher education during last five years 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | Number of outgoing student progression to higher education during last five years 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | Number of outgoing student progression to higher education during last five years 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | Number of outgoing student progression to higher education during last five years 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | Number of students appearing in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg: JAM/C | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 5.3.1 Numbers of Awards/Medals and outstanding performance 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 5.3.1 Numbers of Awards/Medals and outstanding performance 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 5.3.1 Numbers of Awards/Medals and outstanding performance 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 5.3.1 Numbers of Awards/Medals and outstanding performance 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 5.3.1 Numbers of Awards/Medals and outstanding performance 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 5.3.3 Students participated in sports and cultural events/competitions in the Academic Year 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 5.3.3 Students participated in sports and cultural events/competitions in the Academic Year 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 5.3.3 Students participated in sports and cultural events/competitions in the Academic Year 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | 5.3.3 Students participated in sports and cultural events/competitions in the Academic Year 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | 5.3.3 Students participated in sports and cultural events/competitions in the Academic Year 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 6.2.1 Deployment of the Perspective Plan | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 6.5.3 Quality Initiatives by IQAC | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the last five | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 7.1.11 National and International Days | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the institution to the constitutional obligations: | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 7.1.11 Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 7.1.3 facilities in the Institution for the management of the Solid Waste of degradable and non-degr | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 7.2.1 Best Practices (Blood Donation and Blood Group Checking Camp 2016-17) | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 7.2.1 Best Practices (Blood Donation and Blood Group Checking Camp 2017-18) | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 7.2.1 Best Practices (Blood Donation and Blood Group Checking Camp 2018-19) | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 7.2.1 Best Practices (Blood Donation and Blood Group Checking Camp 2019-20) | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 7.2.1 Best Practices | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 7.2.1 - Describe two best practices successfully implemented 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | Best Practices 2023-24 | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | Best Practices 2022-23 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 7.3.1 - Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority 202-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | Institutional Distinctiveness 2023-24 | VIEW DETAIL |